Inscription of Tamerit

M.i.N. Publications

"The dual-language (Arabic and English) catalogues of the Delta Museums produced by the Museums in the Nile Delta Project are an important initial step toward protecting monuments in the Delta, simultaneously making them known to scholars, encouraging the authorities to undertake more conservation work, and raising the local population's awareness of the cultural heritage on their very doorstep!"


Dr Wafaa el-Saddik

former General Director of the Egyptian Museum Cairo

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Museums in the Nile Delta 1

Das Sharkeya-Nationalmuseum, Außenansicht

Egyptian Antiquities

from Kufur Nigm and Bubastis

Mohamed I. Bakr und Helmut Brandl mit Faye Kalloniatis (eds.)

Foreword: Frank Kammerzell


With contributions by Abdallah Abd el-Raziq, Edith Bernhauer, Andreas Blasius, Helmut Brandl, Manuela Gander, Marc Loth, Gabriele Pieke, Hermann A. Schlögl and Gabriele Wenzel

Arabic translation: Sherif Elseify


ISBN: 978-3-00-033509-9


Price: 29,00 € + Postage & Packaging


  • G. Warnemünde, in: Isched - Journal des Ägypten Forum Berlin e.V. 2011/1, pp. 38-39.
  • G. Höber-Kamel, in: Kemet - Die Zeitschrift für Ägyptenfreunde 2011/3, pp. 84-85.
  • E. Lange, in: Egyptian Archaeology - The Bulletin of The Egypt Exploration Society 39, Autumn 2011, p. 34.
  • R. Siegmann, in: Ägyptologie-Forum an der Universität Zürich, Mitteilungen 2/2011, pp. 15-17.
  • E. Lange, in: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 98, 2012, pp. 312-314.
  • Ch. Bayer & E. Haggag, in: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 114 (2), 2019, pp. 114-116.

Museums in the Nile Delta 2

Egyptian Antiquities

from the Eastern Nile Delta

Mohamed I. Bakr und Helmut Brandl mit Faye Kalloniatis (eds.)

Foreword: Wafaa el-Saddik


With contributions by Edith Bernhauer, Andreas Blasius, Helmut Brandl, Nina Elseify, Nicolas Flessa, Manuela Gander, Marc Loth, Jan Moje, Gabriele Pieke, Vincent Razanajao and Gabriele Wenzel

Arabic translation: Sherif Elseify


ISBN: 978-3-00-045318-2


Price: 48,00 € + Postage & Packaging


  • G. Höber-Kamel, in: Kemet - Die Zeitschrift für Ägyptenfreunde 2014/3, pp. 68-69.
  • R. Siegmann, in: Ägyptologie-Forum an der Universität Zürich, Mitteilungen 1/2015, pp. 15-18.